Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2.
Every Tuesday from 9:30 am to 10:30
A weekly get together for friendship in a warm environment. We share together free hot drinks with cake and chat in an informal setting.
Each Friday from 10:00am until approx 11:00am
Football based group for young men aged 18-30. Come along to this friendly growing group of young men to build relationships with like minded people. Suitable for a wide range of abilities with the opportunity to get involved with competitions. Cost are £3 per week (discounts available). Meet weekly at Portman Road Community Pitch.
Monday 8:15pm - 9:15pm
Money impacts all areas of our lives: what we can or can’t afford, our relationships, what we eat, our health and wellbeing and much more. Your local CAP Life Skills is a friendly group where you’ll gain practical skills and discover new ways to live for a brighter future.
There is one course each school term.
We are running each Tuesday 9:15am through to 12noon. We offer a warm space, refreshments and tea/coffee and light refreshments. £1 charge.
Every Tuesday 9:15am through noon
An opportunity for men to meet up for refreshments and a chat. Sharing the love of Jesus through hospitality and friendship. Especially for men who may be feeling lonely or isolated but open to all who are interested in companionship.
Fourth Monday every month from 10:00 am till 12:00 noon
At The Peace Cafe we offer a warm space, activities for children, tea/coffee and light refreshments, internet access and wellbeing support or activities. Free NHS Health Check on the following days:- 5th June; 10th July; 7th August and 11th September.
Monday 9:00am - 2:00pm
The perfect place to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Free hot and cold drinks and light refreshments are available.
Thursdays 2:30pm - 4:30pm
We offer a warm space, activities for children, tea/coffee and light refreshments and internet access.
9am through 12 noon Saturday mornings during term time.
Hope Community Lounge Cafe is open to everyone. It's a place to meet, chat and chill over great value food which is served every Thursday lunchtime between 12-00 and 2-00pm. For those who wish to join in, there are crafts and other activities throughout the afternoon. Just come along to the Hope Centre. You'll always be welcome.
Thursday lunchtime from 12-00 noon - 2:00pm, excluding August
Serving delicious coffee, tea, and snacks. Pop in if you’re looking for a place to relax, work, or study. If you want to meet new people, or just talk to a friendly face, we are here for you.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm
We offer a warm space, signposting to other services, tea/coffee and light refreshments, wellbeing support / activities and optional opportunities for faith exploration.
Thursday 1:00 - 3:30pm
Safe Harbour invites non-Christians to get involved in church and mission. Our mission is to be a safe harbour for anyone who has been battered and bruised by the storms of life.
Every Thursday 1:00-2:30pm
The Safe Harbour Top Up Shop is one of the many shops organised by a number of Anglican Churches in Ipswich. Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2. No referral or qualification required.
Every Thursday 2:30pm - 3:30pm
A 3 course lunch for all ages but mainly for those who would like some company and conversation. £5 charge.
Each Thursdays at 12 noon
Singleness Conversations is a series looking at singleness and how this works best in a community situation. Each of the sessions will involve watching a video together and sharing a discussion around different scenarios.
Monday 7:00pm
The St Francis Top Up Shop is one of the many shops organised by a number of Anglican Churches in Ipswich. Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2. No referral or qualification required.
Every Saturday from 10:00am - 11:00am
St John's Top Up Shop is one of the many popup shops organised by a number of Anglican Churches in Ipswich. Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2. No referral or qualification required.
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2.
Every Wednesday from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
The St Mary Le Tower Top Up Shop is one of the many popup shops organised by a number of Anglican Churches in Ipswich. Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2. No referral or qualification required.
Wednesday 9:00 am - 10:00 am
The St Mary's Stoke Top Up Shop is one of the many popup shops organised by a number of Anglican Churches in Ipswich. Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2. No referral or qualification required.
Sundays 12:00 noon - 1:00pm
Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2.
Every Thursday from 9:00am - 10:00am
Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2.
Every Wednesday from 1:30pm - 2:30pm
The St Thomas The Apostle Top Up Shop is one of the many popup shops organised by a number of Anglican Churches in Ipswich. Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2. No referral or qualification required.
Fridays 12:00 noon - 1:00pm
Every Wednesday from 10am-12.30pm, our Lantern Room becomes a community space for a variety of hobbies and activities. Anyone is welcome to share a hobby or skill and anyone is welcome to join a workshop or activity. They are all free. Or you can come to relax and chat, or to enjoy the peace in our quiet area and prayer space.
Every Wednesdays 10:00am through 12:30pm.
Free breakfast in a warm and friendly environment.
Every Friday morning from 8.45 am - 10.30 am
The Table is a monthly event where we serve a free two course meal for those in the community.
1st Thursday each month 6pm-8:30pm
St Farncis and St Clare have a mums and tots group on Hawthorn Drive. All are welcome, not necessary to book in, just come along.
Wednesday morning Term time only 9-11
Enjoy free tea, coffee and cakes. Meet new friends. Head our for a short walk or stay inside and chat.
Every Friday from 2:00 pm - 3.30pm
The Triangle Church Top Up Shop is one of the many shops organised by a number of Anglican Churches in Ipswich. Come, select the supplies you need and take away a bag full of essential items for £2. No referral or qualification required.
Every Wednesday from 9:30 am - 10:30 am
We offer a warm space, signposting to other services, tea/coffee/soup and light refreshments and board games/gentle activities and a space to chat.
3rd Wednesday each month 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Conversation, games, puzzles and colouring. Serving tea/coffee and light refreshments.
Wednesdays 10:00am through 12:00noon
We believe in a world where every young person has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Youth Connect is a new project based in east Ipswich that provides skill-based sessions, mental health support groups and mentoring for young people aged 14-25. The aim of Youth Connect is to help young people see potential in themselves by supporting them through 1:1 intervention and by giving them the opportunity to try new things.
Skills based sessions are Wednesdays 4-5pm