Ipswich Winter Night Shelter

The Selig Suffolk Trust runs the shelter and employs staff who work alongside the local organisations providing support to those who are homeless. Our Charity Manager sits on the Steering Group of the Ipswich Locality Homelessness Partnership and on the Rough Sleeper Initiative Steering Group lead by Ipswich Borough Council. She is also a member of the Recovery Grant Panel. Our Housing Manager attends weekly multi agency meetings in order to make sure that we reducing and preventing rough sleeping. When the shelter is open we also employ a team of part time Shelter Staff to check guests in and out of the shelter and to work with guests during the day. Our trained volunteers provide company, clean and comfortable bedrooms, meals, snacks, hot drinks, activities, safety and a warm welcome. They sign up to shifts to ensure that we have enough people 24 hours a day to ensure that our guests are made welcome and kept safe. The shelter could not run without our team of wonderful and committed volunteers. They are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and churches and they give up their time to provide shelter, hope and hospitality. During the last 5 winters we have been able to secure longer term accommodation for every shelter guest that has worked with our staff. We believe that by making our guests feel safe and valued, we provide a springboard for them to work with the wide network of local organisations and make positive changes.

Our shelter runs every day from November to March
Central Ipswich
A referral is required from the Rough Sleeper Outreach Team, the Rough Sleeper Co-ordinator or Ipswich Borough Council's Housing Options Team
Contact details
A referral is required to access the shelter.
01473 937980
Supported and aided by the following organisations:-
Selig Suffolk Trust
Additional services are also available at this Hub:-
Many local churches support our shelter - with donations, volunteers and prayers