Baby Love is a safe space for babies and toddlers to hangout and play, with their parents and carers. There'll be great coffee, soft play, good music, and a chance to meet other parents at the same life stage as you.
Thursday 10:00 am -12:00 noon
Family First is a Christian charity which seeks to increase parents and carers confidence, social support networks and mental wellbeing. Our vision is to see families that are resilient, thriving and happy.
9am through 3pm Monday to Friday
Open to all for anyone that needs a little help with food and essentials for a small donation. If money is tight for whatever reason, pop in and top up your cupboards.
Friday 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Stay and play group for all pre-schoolers and their adults. There is no charge and free refreshments for children and adults
Friday mornings during Term-time 09:15-11:00
Free youth club run by 4YP at Rushmere Baptist Church. For age: 10 to 16years. Free club, activities, snacks, games, crafts
Thursday evening from 4:00-6:00pm
School Chaplains work in schools and local communities to provide spiritual and pastoral support to the young people and members of staff that they meet. We also offer activities and residential trips for children and young people at our activity centre, just outside of Ipswich. Activities include, archery, kayaking, raft-building, laser tag and zip wire to name a few! Groups can come for day trips or book residential stays. Get in touch for more details.
School term-time for Chaplaincy. Mid-week and weekend options for the campsite
Free group for young people at high school
Mondays term time 7:30pm to 9pm
Free breakfast in a warm and friendly environment.
Every Friday morning from 8.45 am - 10.30 am
Tots plus provides a meeting point for parents or carers of children aged 0 - school age. The children engage in play and activities while the parents and carers socialise and enjoy coffee provided by the helpers. £1.50 per family for the morning.
Tuesday mornings in term time only 10:00 - 11:30
St Farncis and St Clare have a mums and tots group on Hawthorn Drive. All are welcome, not necessary to book in, just come along.
Wednesday morning Term time only 9-11
Free, confidential advice is provided on a wide range of issues including employment, debt, benefits, consumer disputes andfamily law.
Tuesday - Thursday, by arrangement