Select any project for full details and contact information.
CAP Debt Centre

Tackles your insurmountable debts to become debt free. This is a free confidential service.


The CAP Head Office is open Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday from 09:00 to 17:00, every week of the year.

CAP Life Skills

Money impacts all areas of our lives: what we can or can’t afford, our relationships, what we eat, our health and wellbeing and much more. Your local CAP Life Skills is a friendly group where you’ll gain practical skills and discover new ways to live for a brighter future.


There is one course each school term.

River Store (Social Supermarket)

Open to all for anyone that needs a little help with food and essentials for a small donation. If money is tight for whatever reason, pop in and top up your cupboards.


Friday 11:00 am - 1:00 pm